The game was thoroughly tested on all emulators recommended by Google, it was also successfully tested on a hardware whereby all standard Google tests were successfully accomplished. So, the BrainOK1 should run without problems.
If a problem nevertheless occurs, please send us an E-Mail to:
Please, describe your problem in detail; mention the brand of your device, programs which run on your device simultaneously with the BrainOK1, how much free memory you have, which version of Android™ is installed on your device and so on. This information, together with the stack trace information from your device which we get automatically from Google, will help us to fix the problem.
BrainOK1 runs on all smartphones and on all tablets under Android™ Version 4.0.3 or higher (i.e. API Level 15 or higher or having said with the codename - Ice Cream Sandwich or higher).
At the moment the game supports the most important world languages: English, Russian and German. But we plan to add later other languages.
The Internet is not used. There is no in-app billing.
Last updated January 25, 2014
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